Silslip Aerosol

Clear Silicone Release Agent

Formulated to repel water, adhesives and other contaminations.

The Benefits

Silslip is Non-toxic, Colourless and Odourless.

A Release Agent which:

  1. Leaves a protective coating to repel further contamination.
  2. Prevents Cotton, Dust, Hair and other Fibres from sticking to machinery and other moving parts.
  3. Stops Glues, Waxes, Adhesives, Paints and all other sticky substances from adhering to Metal, Wood, Plastic, Enamel, Porcelain and other hard surfaces.
  4. Protects Upholstery, Carpets and other materials from the damaging effects of  Tea, Coffee, Beer, Wine, Fruit juices, Inks, Dyes, Oil and other types of dirt.
  5. Stops Curtain rails from sticking.

Where to use

Silslip is recommended for use in Bottling plants, Printing works, Textile, Dairy, Shoe manufacturing, Food processing, and Coin operated machinery.

How to use

Silslip is very easy to use. Simply spray onto surface to be protected and leave to dry.

Silslip is also available in liquid form.

Full instructions are on the Pack.